The manufacturing industry is a hugely competitive market, and it’s continuing to grow year after year. One of the ways that organisations have been able to keep up with the changing landscape is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning).
Manufacturing ERP systems tackle several challenges faced within the industry, helping to streamline processes, reduce costs and gain an advantage over competitors.
In this blog post, we’re going to look at how a modern manufacturing ERP system can help benefit you and your business.
Streamlining Processes
Growing organisations will find that as time progresses so will the need for a system that can help handle operations that become complex and difficult to manage manually. By streamlining these processes businesses can become more efficient, productive and reduce costs in several areas within their organisation.
Internal Communications
ERP systems are best implemented and are most successful when feedback is factored into the decision-making process. The reason is that all team members who are going to use the system should help in selecting an option that’s the best fit for you, them and your entire team. Good team communication is crucial within the manufacturing industry. An ERP system that can effectively tie together communications between departments into one unified system is key.
Reducing Costs
There are many ways in which an ERP system can help reduce business costs. Firstly, there’s the money saved from automating manual tasks, streamlining the process further and boosting efficiency with access to real-time data. This, in turn, increases worker productivity which helps minimise labour expenses. Secondly, inventory management helps eliminate excess stock and therefore erase unnecessary warehousing costs. All in all, management have a complete helicopter view of where savings can be made within the business.
Real-time Data
Real-time data is available in abundance within ERP systems. Insights such as detailed reporting, KPI measurement and forecasting allow decision makers to access and act upon the information before them. Managers can grasp a whole view of data that helps them plan further ahead and spot any potential opportunities available.
Strategic Decision Making
As mentioned, real-time data provides the key statistics which decision makers can utilise, but it doesn’t stop there. Access to these key metrics can help every corner and department of the businesses, not just with instant decision making, but helping to keep manufacturing companies fully aligned to their goals, optimising their day to day operations fully.
Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is hugely important, and for many, the best possible result for their efforts is providing a product that receives excellent customer feedback. Whether you’re a third-party supplier, or you deliver straight to your customer, making sure you produce a product of high-quality, on-time and to specification is essential in maintaining customer satisfaction.
If you’re in the manufacturing industry and need an ERP system to help push your business growth forward in 2018, then get in touch with Oakley ERP today.
We’re experts in ERP software, helping manufacturing organisations streamline their business processes and achieve their business goals.