Company Name: Coople UK Ltd
Contact: Antoine Debroye – Head of Business Administration
Solution: Sage 300
Account Manager: Tyrell Taylor-Edwards
Coople is the largest on-demand jobs platform that connects companies with people looking for flexible work in any sector, 24/7.
Coople operate out of Switzerland and the UK so it was important they implemented an ERP solution that could handle multiple locations and different currencies. “Our first port of call was to speak directly to the software providers, we originally had shortlisted Sage, SAP and Netsuite. I had previous experience implementing an ERP system and knew the benefits of doing so. Having been introduced by Sage to Oakley ERP, it wasn’t long before I knew we had found the perfect solution for our business, but also the right business partner to work with.”
Why did you decide to implement an ERP System?
There are lots of reasons the business needed an ERP system, the biggest issue we needed to address was reporting, it was taking us 45 days to produce reports after month end which was causing us serious headaches. In addition to this we were struggling to get accurate data, meaning forecasting and financial reporting was almost impossible. We needed a solution that would take away all the heavy lifting from our back office, re-internalise the accounting processes, integrate with our current systems seamlessly and work across both of our locations, Sage 300 was undoubtedly the best solution for us.
How was the implementation process?
Integrating an ERP solution is by no means a small task, especially when you are working over two countries, internal co-ordination was key to the success of our implementation.
We first rolled out Sage 300 in the UK, this is the smaller part of the business and a great place to start getting all our processes in order before rolling it out in Switzerland. We found the support we received from Oakley ERP to be second to none, the templates that we used were perfect and when we needed something custom made it was done with ease.
We went live in the UK in February 2017, by June 2017 the UK was fully up and running and we were already seeing the benefits. After just one month of using our new ERP system we had cut our month end reporting time down to just 12 days.
We started to implement Sage 300 in Switzerland straight away after the successful implementation in the UK and everything was up and running at the end of 2017.
How have you found the support you’ve received from Oakley ERP?
The support we have received from Oakley ERP has been great. During the whole project we have had very little down-time and it was great to just deal with one person throughout the entire process, there was no time wasted having to keep explaining everything to different people, this I believe is one of the key reasons the implementation process went so smoothly.
Would you recommend Oakley ERP?
Oh yes, the team at Oakley ERP have been great and we look forward to working with them in the future!